
- Technology Areas
- Machinery|Software|Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Practice Areas
- Patent|Design|Trademark|Copyright|Unfair Competition|IT|System Development|Information Law&Legislation|Advertising Regulation|Corporate and Commercial Transactions|Crporation law
【April 2003】
Admitted to the Faculty of law, Hitotsubashi University
【March 2008】
Graduated from the Faculty of law, Hitotsubashi University
【April 2008】
Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. – engaged in overseas legal affairs, sales affairs, and so forth
【December 2015】
Joined GeoTechnologies, Inc. (Old company name: Increment P Corporation) – engaged in general legal affairs, export control, and so forth
【January 2021】
Passed the bar examination
【April 2022】
Registered with the Tokyo Bar Association (74th)
【April 2022】
Joined the Uchida & Samejima Law Firm
Admitted to the Faculty of law, Hitotsubashi University
【March 2008】
Graduated from the Faculty of law, Hitotsubashi University
【April 2008】
Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. – engaged in overseas legal affairs, sales affairs, and so forth
【December 2015】
Joined GeoTechnologies, Inc. (Old company name: Increment P Corporation) – engaged in general legal affairs, export control, and so forth
【January 2021】
Passed the bar examination
【April 2022】
Registered with the Tokyo Bar Association (74th)
【April 2022】
Joined the Uchida & Samejima Law Firm